What is the difference between JumpSport Home and JumpSport Fitness products?

JumpSport Fitness has partnered with Stamina products to produce a separate, more accessible and affordable mini trampoline product line called "JumpSport Home." While designed to meet this need, these products are not designed to meet the rigors JumpSport Fitness products are intended for or are they able to be upgraded or used with all JumpSport Fitness accessories.

Here are the key differences between JumpSport Home and JumpSport Fitness products:

  • JumpSport Home products are designed for at-home, residential use only. JumpSport Fitness products may be used at home, but most of the product lines are also designed for commercial use.
  • The JumpSport Home warranty is only 90 days while JumpSport Fitness warranties are for multiple years, depending on the model.
  • JumpSport Home does not use EnduroLast Elastic Cords—these are found exclusively on JumpSport Fitness products.
  • JumpSport Home bungees require a tool for installation and do not have adjustable tension bungees.
  • JumpSport Home and JumpSport Fitness parts are not interchangeable, e.g. EnduroLast Elastic Cords cannot be installed on a JumpSport Home trampoline.
  • Most JumpSport Fitness accessories, primarily Handle Bars and PlyoFit accessories, are not compatible with JumpSport Home trampolines. 

Here is a brief overview of the product lines:

  • JumpSport Home: at-home, residential use only; sold by Stamina products; 90 day warranty
  • JumpSport Fitness 200 series: at-home, residential use only; 2 year cord warranty
  • JumpSport Fitness 300 series: at-home or commercial use; 3 year cord warranty
  • JumpSport Fitness 500 series: at-home or commercial use; 4 year cord warranty

JumpSport Home products are available on staminaproducts.com

JumpSport Fitness products are available on jumpsport.com