How do I track my order?
We do our best to keep your shipping status updated on your account, however sometimes there can be a delay in the status. Please use the tracking emails to confirm shipment.
- Orders typically ship 1 to 2 business days after you receive the order confirmation email.
- Most items ship via UPS or FedEx and will email you directly with tracking information.
- If your order is being shipped via freight delivery we will email you with the name of the freight company and your tracking (Pro) number, 2-3 business days after receiving your order.
- Some orders will be shipped via USPS and we will email you the tracking information.
- If you do not receive an email with tracking information, the email may have been blocked or sent to a spam folder. Please check your spam folders to be sure that the email did not get filtered there.
- Your order will usually arrive at your doorstep in approximately 5 business days, but could take up to 15 business days.
*Important: Our staff is doing their best to ensure accurate tracking information is provided to all customers. Please allow for 2-3 business days for small parcels and 3-5 business days for larger backyard trampolines to receive tracking information. At that point, if you still haven’t received tracking information, please contact us at
After you receive your tracking number by email (see above paragraph), you can then track your shipment through the online tracking service provided by the parcel service:
![]() 1-800-742-5877 |
![]() 1-800-463-3339 |